Dienstag, 9. Juli 2024

Student Assitant

The Institute for Digital Cultural Heritage Studies is looking for a student assistant to work for three months, 10/h per week, on the topic of artistic interpretations.  

The candidate will help the researchers in the institute in annotating artistic interpretations from several sources into an Excel table. The task involves both making annotations out of existing interpretations, but also adding more information if the candidate notices that some elements are missing from the interpretation. 

A basic knowledge of art history and Panofsky's approach to art interpretation would be appreciated. 

The ideal starting date is September 2024. Please send a motivation letter (10–15 lines) to Dr. Bruno Sartini (b.sartini@lmu.de) if you are interested in the position. As soon as an ideal candidate is found, we will close the call, so if you are interested, please send your motivation letter as soon as possible.

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